6 Strands Elevator Wire Rope
The world's most frequently used elevator wire rope is constructed with 6 strands and 19 wires per strand. Structured with Seale strand or Filler strand or Warrington strand and fiber core at the center, the 6 strands elevator wire ropes has very good bend fatigue and elongation performance. When this wire rope structured with synthetic fiber core, it is mostly used as governor ropes. When it comes with natural fiber core, it is more used as suspension ropes.
6x19S (9-9-1)
This wire rope is Seale strand constructed which has thick outer wires that provides a higher degree of resistance against external wear in use when the wire rope runs over the traction sheave and the deflection points. Therefore, 6x19s is the most frequently used strand construction for elevator ropes.
6x19W (6+6-6-1)
This wire rope is Warrington strand constructed with the features of far thinner wires in the outer strand than a Seale strand. This makes for a great reduction in flexural stress. With 20-40% longer service life than comparable ropes made of Seale strands, this wire ropes are more used in traction elevators with double-wrap drives and in roped hydraulic elevators.
Filler strand constructed elevator ropes have very good fatigue bending properties. 25 wires in each strand makes the rope very flexible. Because the filler wires are extreme thin, rope diameters 10mm and below are not recommended with filler stand. And rope diameter over 16mm need to be designed as filler construction due to it improved flexibility.